Process & Strategy

How do you raise your firm’s profile? How do you find clients?
How do you convert opportunities into sales?

Evenden & Co works with you to develop marketing processes and strategies that are personalized to your firm, getting the most out of your resources and budget

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Marketing makes clients aware of who you are and builds on your reputation and brand. Sales targets specific potential clients and works to convert them into your clients.

Both are critical but when you confuse marketing activity with sales activity, you can often find that your firm is failing to thrive.

We draw on more than twenty years’ experience helping to build marketing and sales programs to develop a targeted strategy for your firm. We build on your goals, business objectives, and your existing portfolio.

We look at all the elements of your existing process, materials, and resources and work with you to develop structured, repeatable systems, timelines, budgets, and an understanding of what resources you require to ensure a sustained, consistent marketing and sales effort that will help your business grow.

Let’s talk about how we can best help you.