Proposals | RFP Responses

When your proposal gets to the selection committee it must be able to stand on its own. It must convince a committee not only that you have the right experience for their important project, but also that your firm understands their needs and requirements, believes in their goals, and can deliver a project the client can be proud of. It’s no simple task.

Evenden & Co are Proposal Specialists.
We help you respond with a proposal that speaks for itself.


Full Proposal Development

Creating a winning proposal on a restricted timeline is no easy task - especially when it isn’t your full-time job. As specialists in proposal development, we’re ready to take on the hard work for you. We work with you for all aspects of your RFP response; tailoring our involvement to best suit your needs.

This service includes -

  • managing the overall proposal process

  • working with you to determine the best team members and relevant projects

  • writing and editing, including for critical sections such as Understanding or Approach

  • preparing document layout and content (using InDesign and similar)

  • coordinating sub-consultant team

  • delivery and follow-up

  • follow-up presentations or interview material

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Proposal Writing

Is your proposal resonating with your potential clients? Did you differentiate your firm – or did your proposal sound like the many others the selection committee just read? Your proposal may be your first and only opportunity to truly make an impression on the key decision makers – and what you say is as important as how you say it.

This service includes –

  • creating targeted written content for critical sections of the RFP response

  • overhauling existing written content to ensure that your intent is clear, your writing is concise and correct, and your message targeted to this client or project

  • working with you to help develop your thoughts and intent at the outset, editing your writing for correctness and consistency

And don’t worry – we understand the compressed timeline for RFP submissions so we’re working as carefully and quickly as you.

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Proposal Evaluation

Perhaps you’ve already put the hard work into creating the RFP response, but it’s an important project and you want to be sure that your proposal will stand out. Or perhaps you’ve been submitting proposal after proposal without much success. We can review what you’ve done and help you make it better. We’ll focus on your overall presentation, messaging, and clarity with specific reference to the RFP to which you’re responding.

This service includes -

  • Reviews throughout the proposal development

  • Review of final draft

  • Review of previously developed proposals