Presentations Leadership & Development

Client: BDP Quadrangle

Service: Marketing Materials Development

As a leading Toronto architecture and interior design firm for more than thirty years, BDP Quadrangle has typically provided services within the private sector for mixed-use residential, retail, and corporate spaces. The firm became the North American headquarters of BDP in 2019 and expanded their reach into the institutional sector. Evenden & Co began working with BDP Quadrangle in 2021 to provide leadership and support in the development of large-scale public sector RFP responses.

As additional support for their growth into new sectors, Evenden & Co worked with BDP Quadrangle to develop a presentation that would support the introduction of the firm and their expertise and project delivery approach to new, sector-specific clients. The mandate included conducting working sessions with local and international principals who lead the sector, as well as with key project personnel, to develop a tone and narrative for the presentation and to review and continue development for the draft presentation.


Website Refresh, Allyant


Presentation Leadership & Development, Bluescape