Proposal Leadership & Development

Client: Colm Engineering

Service: Proposals & RFP Responses

This mid-sized engineering firm provides electrical engineering services for subdivision developments across Ontario, working with large-scale developers and coordinating with utilities providers. As part of the firm’s growth plan, Colm was beginning to respond to public sector RFPs for the first time. The firm had undertaken a few responses in-house and was beginning to build their expertise with the process. However, when a high-profile client put out a must-win RFP, the team reached out to Evenden & Co to help lead them through the RFP process.

Evenden & Co worked with the firm’s principals and Colm’s graphics personnel to provide overall leadership for the proposal, the development of the response content, including written workplan, quality management structures, CVs for the project team and project detail sheets, and provided coordination for the overall, multi-step submission process.


Proposal Leadership, Buttcon Ltd.


Website Refresh, Allyant