Marketing Leadership

Client: PMA Landscape Architects

Service: Marketing Leadership

PMA is a design studio in Toronto that focuses exclusively on landscape architecture. A recognized brand in the industry with an established client base, the firm typically competes as prime consultant against larger, multi-disciplinary firms, and also provides services as sub-consultants to architects, engineers and developers. Marketing efforts and proposal work were typically undertaken by principals and/or project managers, and the firm had not previously had any personnel dedicated to marketing. Evenden & Co worked with PMA to lead their marketing effort, alleviating the principals of the day-to-day responsibility for marketing, by providing leadership for the overall process and improving the consistency and quality of the marketing effort.

Evenden & Co managed PMA’s overall marketing process, including direct communication and coordination with clients, architects, engineers, and other team leaders. We led the development of a marketing operations strategy including creating a collaborative approach to marketing and sales communications, establishing go/no-go criteria for RFPs and sub-consultant invites, conducting regular review periods, and creating procedures and systems to track sales opportunities and results. In addition, Evenden & Co organized existing and reusable information, and ensured consistent updates to marketing materials including project detail sheets, CVs, and similar.

Building on the structured go/no-go process for RFPs and proposals introduced in the marketing operations strategy, Evenden & Co worked as an integrated team with PMA to manage the proposal development process, including management of multiple or overlapping submission deadlines, as well as developing the proposal document and preparing writing for more than 160 proposals which included both prime-consultant RFPs responses and sub-consultant proposals.

In addition to establishing a process for continuous update, we worked with the firm to ‘catch-up’ the marketing materials, delivering approximately 65 new or updated project sheets, 15 new CVs, and an overall website refresh in about 36 months (concurrent with proposal work). Concurrently, we undertook an overhaul of the marketing project tracking structure and information capture process to establish a robust project library for each marketing project. In addition to this, Evenden & Co also worked with PMA on multiple successful awards submissions to the CSLA and Toronto Urban Design Awards.

Learn more about some of the successful proposals where Evenden & Co collaborated with PMA -

Toronto Botanical Garden Master Plan Detailed Design and Phase 1 Implementation

City of Toronto Yonge St Parkettes

Church-Wellesley BIA Streetscape Masterplan

City of Toronto 229 Richmond Street Design Competition


Marketing Leadership, Strasman Architects Inc.


Proposal & Marketing Materials, Bluescape